Webster Dental Care“Crowns in One Visit” Campaign
As one of the few dental offices in St. Louis to provide the newest crown technology, Webster Dental needed to build awareness for this service within its geographically targeted regions along the Interstate 44 corridor of St. Louis, Missouri as a key differentiation among its local competitors.
New Service Introduction
"Crowns in One Visit"
To improve overall patient care and accommodate the schedules of today’s busy life styles, dental practices strive to keep patient visits as efficient as possible. Traditionally, the procedure required when needing a dental crown required an initial visit in which a distressed tooth is identified; a visit to prepare the tooth, make a mold for the crown and place a temporary crown; and, after 2 weeks, replacement of the temporary with a permanent crown that was milled by an offsite dental lab. With an investment in the latest technology by Webster Dental Care, “Crowns in One Visit” was integrated into the daily practice to provide time saving and convenience to their patients by accelerating the entire crown process within an appointment lasting only two to three hours from start to completion.

Establishing the Foundations
For Local Awareness
While financial investment in the equipment and training related to this new technology was mandatory for Webster Dental Care, it was equally important to build awareness of this new service within the geographically targeted, local market. The utilization of both digital and traditional marketing strategies extended the reach within the overall marketing mix.

Capturing the Process
Professional Video & Photography
To further promote this new service, professional photography for use on the marketing pieces were needed, as well as a video introduction of "Crowns in One Visit" offering an explanation of this process. With a half day shoot, production of the video and completion of still photography captured not only patient interaction, but also the physical machining of a crown.
Establishing an Online Presence
www.WebsterDentalCare.comTo help promote its new service and generate more exposure for the business, we also provided a completed update to the company website.