Nestlé Purina
Attracting qualified candidates is the key challenge for the hiring department of companies, from small to large. And at Nestlé Purina, the Careers team takes this challenge seriously. With the goal to accommodate the career path of each individual while maintaining a professional, social and cultural environment, the Nestlé Purina Careers' team utilizes multiple tools and marketing methods to keep a fresh and current appeal while building awareness to attract greater interest from those looking to build their careers at a great company.
Employee Engagement & Recruiting
To build camaraderie within the organization, timely events are executed to expand employee engagement within the corporate structure. The Annual Pet Tournament is one of the fun events that enables employees to submit photos of their pets decked out in gear from their alma mater. The competition uses a bracket style system on Facebook to vote for the pets/schools. Captiva’s partnership offered a fresh perspective to promote the 5th annual tournament by providing logo enhancements, banners, flyers, digital posts, and digital ads to modernize all design elements used within the campaign.

Seeking Socially
With a diverse pool of candidates needing to be reached at all levels of experience, the Careers’ team understands that they need a presence across multiple channels and that they need to utilize the latest outreach tools from the largest social media providers. Platforms such as Facebook and Snapchat offer the ability to target desired audiences, and with help from Captiva, digital and video ads have support this desired outreach.

Promoting St. Louis
As a global corporation, Nestlé Purina has many offices around the world with a large campus presence in St. Louis, Missouri. With its central location in the United States, the St. Louis office houses a variety of career opportunities, from laboratory environments to technology cores to corporate sales, marketing, financial services, etc. A recent initiative provided existing employees and prospective candidates an opportunity to “Discover Your St. Louis”.