Antennas Direct
Antennas Direct has evolved from an online seller of TV antennas in 2003 to one of the leading suppliers in its category selling to some of the largest retailers in the world. As the company looked to continue its success, a comprehensive campaign was necessary to allow the company to capitalize on its past success and ensure future growth.
It Starts with the Strategy
To reach the company’s business goals, a strategy was developed that focused on market penetration to sell more products to existing markets. A deep analysis of the company’s market was performed to determine how the company’s products stacked up against the competition. Armed with this information, an organized and detailed digital marketing strategy was formulated to serve as the blueprint for all aspects of the campaign.

Synergized Online Advertising
Collaboration with the company and third-party vendors resulted in an effective online advertising campaign featuring pay per click text ads, shopping ads, display banners, and video ads. The campaign leveraged a combination of keyword/contextual/interest targeting, managed placements, and retargeting strategies to create an optimal result for Antennas Direct. Structured data snippets were added to the website to qualify the company for Google Trusted Stores ratings as well.

Helpful Online Tools
Given the company’s dedication to helpful customer support, several areas of the site were enhanced to establish the site as a resource for antenna buyers. Interactive tools such as the transmitter locator and antenna selector helped customers to select the right product to meet their needs and install it in an optimal fashion. The cord cutting guide and online reviews were added as well. These tools were also leveraged by the company’s customer service team – the Connection Crew – to make their service more efficient and useful. To date, thousands have utilized these tools, which has contributed to the online store’s increased revenue.
Enhancing the Online Experience
In order to improve the overall experience of the website, a cross-device, responsive site design was created and implemented. All technical facets of the website were updated including content management system, online store, and blog platform. Critical pages such as the homepage featured embedded video to provide a modern introduction to the product line and illustrate the practical benefits.